Wednesday, February 9, 2011

We have been taking a slight break from the hearts but I should be posting a few more before Valentine's Day for everyone to try.
This one here is suppose to be a snowflake. She got alot of attention with this but until she told them it was a snowflake they didnt see it. lol.
This one is actually pigtails. The other side is the same as this side of her head.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Valenites Day

Here are some Valentine hair do's! Just in time for the holiday. if anyonr would like a tutorial please let me know and I can do one.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

January 26th 2011

Here is a cute heart for Valentine's Day. If you would like directions please just ask. I am going to get back to doing this blog again now that I have time and the baby is 3 months old. Right now we are going to work on hearts since Valentine's Day is around the corner.
Sorry didn't think about the fact it's side ways but you get the idea.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

It will be a while

So my little girl leaves for the summer today so I will not have any more post til school starts in September. I think I might have a few hair styles on my camera. If I do then I will be sure to put those up.  I haven't really decided if I am going to keep the site going. It doesn't seem like anyone follows it anyhow. If there are some of you out there that do check the site and like the hair styles let me know with an e-mail or comment and I will most likely keep it going if I know people are enjoying it.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

New Puppys

So my husband came home yesterday and made me go with him to look at some puppy's that someone was giving away and of course we came home with two of them. Our daughter hasn't seen them yet because she is gone all weekend but our son seems to enjoy them. We decided to get one for each of the kids.

Braid headband

Pull throughs and hearts

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


So we just found out yesterday that we are having another little boy!!!! Our daughter was hoping for a girl. I took her to the ultrasound with me so she can see the baby and be there when we found out the sex.. Her face was priceless when she found out it was a boy. It was a cute disappointing look. She said she is still excited and I believe her but it was cute to see the shock on her face when finding out another little brother was on the way. The picture is from Sunday 6-6-10 on our sons bday which we just celebrated the kids together because they enjoy doing that. He just turned 2 and she will be turning 6. They grow up so fast!

Pulling back the bangs

3 Braids to Pigtails